Tails of Flight
Client/Company: College Park Aviation Museum
Project Description: Tails of Flight is a temporary panel exhibition at the College Park Aviation Museum on its mezzanine level. It portrays how animals have played significant and changing roles in the history of airplanes and in the lives of their pilots. This exhibit celebrates both pilots and their animal companions, from Flyer, Wilbur Wright's dog, to Aero, College Park Airport's own working dog. It opened to the public in June 2021.
Julie’s Role: Writer
College Park Aviation Museum hired me to write their exhibit script. The museum staff had already taken a first pass on some of the topics they wanted to include and provided their research. I first helped the team identify experiential and learning goals to guide the content development. In addition to the information the museum provided, I performed additional content and photo research and found some new stories to feature. I restructured the hierarchy of information and ensured that the text was written in a fun and engaging way, especially because of the subject matter. After I worked on research and scripting in 2019, the exhibit was due to move into graphic design and fabrication. However, due to the pandemic, the museum temporarily closed, and the exhibition was delayed. I was thrilled to learn that it was installed and opened to the public in the summer of 2021.