Canada Sports Hall of Fame

Client/Company: Cortina Productions

Project Description: Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame (CSHOF) is located in Olympic Park, home of the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta. When CHSOF moved to its new home, Cortina Productions was tasked with designing and producing 30 multimedia exhibits highlighting the achievements of hundreds of Canadian athletes from 56 sports. We coordinated closely with the exhibit designer, architect, fabricator, and hardware integrator throughout the process. Exhibits include ten films such as Our Greatest Moments, two audio soundscapes, thirteen interactives, and five simulations. CSHOF received the Thea Award for Outstanding Achievement in Museums.

Julie’s Role: Project Manager / Producer

As project manager and producer, I oversaw budget, schedule, and personnel, leading Cortina’s team through pre-production, production, post-production, and installation. Before filming began, I wrote concept summaries and scripts.

The production process was complex, with shoots happening simultaneously over the course of several months with big names such as race car driver Jacques Villeneuve and boxing legend Lennox Lewis to local curling clubs. I coordinated all the moving parts as we sent our film crews across Canada and the US. My favorite part was filming our five simulations. Using a unique 3D camera set-up, we captured what it would be like to receive a fastball from MLB catcher Jeff Francis or a slap shot from a member of the Calgary Flames. What a blast to film with Olympic ski jumper Eric Mitchell as he launched hundreds of feet in the air! Also, the coldest weather I have ever experienced was on a couple of those shoots (-40 is the same in C and F!).

Once original shooting was done, we moved straight into post-production. I managed the graphics, editing, and programming processes and served as the last line of defense for quality control. During the complicated installation, my team and I stayed focused and found solutions to the inevitable challenges that arose. I worked closely with the other vendors to integrate our media within the layered exhibit displays, hardware, and mechanical components.

Learn and see more about the media at Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame.


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